红灯绿灯1,2,3游戏规则 - 如何玩红灯绿灯1,2,3?

红灯绿灯1,2,3游戏规则 - 如何玩红灯绿灯1,2,3?
Mario Reeves

红光绿光的对象1,2,3: 红灯绿灯1,2,3的目标是成为第一个手中没有剩余牌的玩家。

队员的数量: 2至6名玩家

材料: 105张扑克牌和说明

游戏类型: 家庭卡片游戏

听众: 5岁及以上

红灯绿灯的概述 1,2,3

这个游戏非常适合于快速、有趣的家庭游戏。 它是一个绝妙的游戏,可以教导顺序,并以一定的速度进行练习!目标是按照红灯、绿灯、1、2、3的顺序放置尽可能多的卡片,然后重新开始

See_also: REGICIDE - 通过Gamerules.com学习游戏。

一次失误可能会使你在整个游戏中落后,所以要确保你的脚趾和准备好扔下一些牌。 这个游戏非常适合任何可能出现无聊的家庭活动!


设置游戏,洗牌并给每个玩家发七张牌。 一旦牌组放在游戏区的中间,所有玩家都准备好了,游戏就可以开始了!

See_also: 奥克拉荷马十点球游戏规则 - 如何玩奥克拉荷马十点球游戏


第一个玩家必须在桌子中间放一张红灯牌,开始顺序。 按照顺序,周围的玩家必须放一张绿灯牌,一张1牌,一张2牌,然后一张3牌。 顺序将重新开始!

玩家可以在自己的回合中按正确的顺序打出自己的牌。 一旦玩家没有牌可打,就会变成下一个玩家的回合。 如果玩家没有牌可打,就必须从抽牌堆中抽一张牌。



只要有玩家手中没有剩余的牌,游戏就会结束。 这个玩家就是赢家!

Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves is a board game enthusiast and a passionate writer who has been playing card and board games for as long as he can remember. His love for games and writing led him to create his blog, where he shares his knowledge and experience of playing some of the most popular games around the world.Mario's blog provides comprehensive rules and easy-to-understand instructions for games like poker, bridge, chess, and many more. He is passionate about helping his readers learn and enjoy these games while also sharing tips and strategies to help them improve their game.Apart from his blog, Mario is a software engineer and enjoys playing board games with his family and friends in his free time. He believes that games are not only a source of entertainment but also help in developing cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and social interactions.Through his blog, Mario aims to promote the culture of board games and card games, and encourage people to come together and play them as a way to relax, have fun, and stay mentally fit.