Mario Reeves

字谜的目的 :通过寻找线索所指向的单词来解开谜题中的每条线索。

球员人数 : 1个以上玩家

材料 : 钢笔或铅笔,填字游戏

游戏类型 : 拼图

听众 : 10+


填字游戏是一种很好的脑力锻炼,如果你能通过最初的学习曲线,也会非常愉快。 填字游戏可以追溯到20世纪初,而且越来越受欢迎。 如果你正在寻找一种新的爱好来增长你的大脑,并帮助打发一些时间,填字游戏是一个很好的选择!


纵横字谜已经预设好了,可以开始了。 你只需要拿一支笔或铅笔,找一张平坦的桌子,也许再拿一杯咖啡。


纵横字谜是一个超级容易开始但不容易完成的游戏......纵横字谜由一个网格组成,网格中的每个方格指定一个字母。 线索的编号是横1和竖1,以表示单词的方向。 当完成纵横字谜时,目标是解决每个线索并输入网格上的每个字母和单词。

你可以按照任何顺序来解开线索。 有些线索可能是较长的单词,缩写,首字母缩写等。 填字游戏促使你对线索进行不同的思考,而且谜题有一种特定的方式来告诉你他们在寻找什么样的答案。

See_also: 对不起!棋盘游戏规则 - 如何玩对不起!棋盘游戏
  • 引语:答案是一个熟悉的表达方式、著名的书籍、电影或引语。 引语中的字谜通常伴随着一个下划线,表示缺少一个单词。
  • Abbr: 如果这是在一个字谜中,答案也会被缩写。
  • 如果线索末尾有一个问号,答案将是一个文字游戏或双关语。
  • 说:这是 "例如 "的另一种说法。 例如,如果线索说 "尼克斯,说",答案可能是鞋子。


一旦你解决了所有的线索,你就完成了这个填字游戏。 如果你想和朋友竞争,你可以为这个游戏计时,看谁完成得最快。 完成后,可以在填字游戏的背面或网上查看答案。

See_also: 竞技纸牌 - 游戏规则 了解纸牌游戏的分类

Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves is a board game enthusiast and a passionate writer who has been playing card and board games for as long as he can remember. His love for games and writing led him to create his blog, where he shares his knowledge and experience of playing some of the most popular games around the world.Mario's blog provides comprehensive rules and easy-to-understand instructions for games like poker, bridge, chess, and many more. He is passionate about helping his readers learn and enjoy these games while also sharing tips and strategies to help them improve their game.Apart from his blog, Mario is a software engineer and enjoys playing board games with his family and friends in his free time. He believes that games are not only a source of entertainment but also help in developing cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and social interactions.Through his blog, Mario aims to promote the culture of board games and card games, and encourage people to come together and play them as a way to relax, have fun, and stay mentally fit.