糖果派对游戏规则 - 如何玩糖果派对

糖果派对游戏规则 - 如何玩糖果派对
Mario Reeves

内裤派对的目标: 内裤派对的目的是让新娘根据自己的性格猜测谁买了哪条内裤。

队员的数量: 3个或更多玩家

材料: 每位客人1条内裤,1根晾衣绳,晾衣夹和酒精(如果团体可以接受)。

游戏类型 : 单身派对游戏

听众: 18岁及以上


内裤派对是让每个人都参与游戏的绝佳方式。 每个客人都要为新娘买一条内裤。 性感的内裤是首选,这样新娘就可以在蜜月中享受它们!每条内裤都应该反映出买家的个性,而不一定是新娘的品味。 如果新娘猜中了,买家就喝酒,但如果猜错了,那么新娘就会喝酒!"!


为了准备游戏,策划者应将每条内裤随机挂在晾衣绳上。 一旦所有的内裤都挂好了,游戏就可以开始了!


游戏开始时,新娘将走近晾衣绳,检查在晾衣绳上发现的内衣。 然后,新娘将顺着队伍猜测哪条内衣是哪个朋友买的,根据他们的性格。 他们应该一边解释自己的选择理由。


See_also: CELESTIAL游戏规则 - 如何玩CELESTIAL?


当所有的内裤都与买家配对后,游戏就结束了。 然后,如果玩家选择喝酒,就看谁猜对了。 如果新娘正确地配对了内裤,那么买家就必须喝酒。 反之,如果新娘没有正确地配对,那么她就必须喝酒!

See_also: 西班牙套装扑克牌 - 游戏规则

Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves is a board game enthusiast and a passionate writer who has been playing card and board games for as long as he can remember. His love for games and writing led him to create his blog, where he shares his knowledge and experience of playing some of the most popular games around the world.Mario's blog provides comprehensive rules and easy-to-understand instructions for games like poker, bridge, chess, and many more. He is passionate about helping his readers learn and enjoy these games while also sharing tips and strategies to help them improve their game.Apart from his blog, Mario is a software engineer and enjoys playing board games with his family and friends in his free time. He believes that games are not only a source of entertainment but also help in developing cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and social interactions.Through his blog, Mario aims to promote the culture of board games and card games, and encourage people to come together and play them as a way to relax, have fun, and stay mentally fit.