H.O.R.S.E扑克游戏规则 - 如何玩H.O.R.S.E扑克?

H.O.R.S.E扑克游戏规则 - 如何玩H.O.R.S.E扑克?
Mario Reeves

H.O.R.S.E扑克的目标: 在所有独立的扑克变化中赢得手牌,以赢得其相应的彩池。

队员的数量: 2-7人

牌的数量: 52张牌的甲板

卡片的排名: A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2

游戏类型: 扑克

听众: 成人



  • H 旧的 "他们
  • O 马哈--高/低
  • R azz
  • S 双牌梭哈
  • E 八或更好(七牌梭哈高/低)。

Razz和Eight or Better是七张牌梭哈扑克的变种,两者都可以在同一页的 "变种 "副标题下找到。德州扑克和奥马哈都是用盲注,Razz、七张牌梭哈和Eight or Better则像往常一样用带入的赌注和/或赌注。

这些游戏是循环进行的,每一手都有变化,按照缩写的顺序进行。 如果有超过7个玩家,庄家右边的玩家(最后的玩家)会在拉兹、七牌梭哈和八或更好的游戏中退出,这样牌就不会用完。 每个玩家在这些回合中应该退出相同数量的手。

See_also: CRICKET游戏规则 - 如何玩CRICKET



C.H.O.R.S.E & C.H.O.R.S.E.L.

这些游戏的玩法与H.O.R.S.E类似,但增加了以下内容 C 疯狂的菠萝和小球扑克(加州或A对5)。

See_also: 20个问题的游戏规则 - 如何玩20个问题


玩法与H.O.R.S.E完全相同,但回合数较少。 这些变化比H.O.R.S.E移动得更快。


这是一个最近的版本,大约在2008年发明的,它混合了八种扑克游戏。 它有时只是被称为 "八游戏混合"。

  • 限制2-7人 T 拔丝
  • 边界 H 旧的 "他们
  • 边界 O maha/8
  • 边界 R azz
  • 边界 S 双牌梭哈
  • 边界 E 优秀或更优秀
  • 无限制 H 旧的 "他们
  • 壶口限制奥马 a 高或PLO





Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves
Mario Reeves is a board game enthusiast and a passionate writer who has been playing card and board games for as long as he can remember. His love for games and writing led him to create his blog, where he shares his knowledge and experience of playing some of the most popular games around the world.Mario's blog provides comprehensive rules and easy-to-understand instructions for games like poker, bridge, chess, and many more. He is passionate about helping his readers learn and enjoy these games while also sharing tips and strategies to help them improve their game.Apart from his blog, Mario is a software engineer and enjoys playing board games with his family and friends in his free time. He believes that games are not only a source of entertainment but also help in developing cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and social interactions.Through his blog, Mario aims to promote the culture of board games and card games, and encourage people to come together and play them as a way to relax, have fun, and stay mentally fit.